Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Semester Tests

Remember quarter assignments end on the 19th of December. DO not date any assignments you want to count as quarter grades after 12/19/2012.

In Gradebook make an assignment for Semester Test 1 (or any unique name so it is not the same in Semester 2). As long as you date the semester test 12/20/12 or 12/21/12, it does not matter which reporting term you are viewing. This assignment will not show up in quarter 2 ---it will only show up in the reporting terms S1 or E1 remember.

“Final” Grade Setup:
It will look like this when you click on Grade Setup:

Click on Term weights to see the 3 terms in this semester. “E1” is what the “Exam” falls under because you dated it 12/20/12 or 12/21/12.

Now you can change the weight of the terms. Your semester test assignment is the E1 term.

*Click “Save” and go to your next class and set up the “Final” Grade Setup.

Repeat from * for each class!

Merry Christmas!!

*********Thank you Betty Bower for helping me put this together! **********