Friday, April 12, 2013

2013-14 PowerSchool Terms

In case you like to know the beginning and ending dates of PowerSchool terms, I've created this post for you. Put the assignments in the correct term by following this guide.

(E1 and E2 are for Semester tests and they overlap the days in S1 and S2 so tests count in those terms)
S1= 8/15/13 12/20/13
S2= 1/6/14 5/22/14
Q1= 8/15/13 10/16/13
Q2= 10/17/13 12/18/13
E1= 12/19/13 12/20/13
Q3= 1/6/14 3/7/14
Q4= 3/10/14 5/20/14
E2= 5/21/14 5/22/14

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Be a Better Googler!

I've ran across this website that has some very nice searching techniques and resources for searching the internet and tools to help teach research skills.
Do I Just Google That?

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


I've been shown the website called remind101 and it sounds like something that would work for us. It says it is:
A safe way for teachers to text message students and stay in touch with parents. Free. 
Instantly message a class of students or their parents from your computer.
Teachers never see students' phone numbers. Students never see theirs. 
Students and parents join by sending a text message. No computer needed.

It is in beta but it is worth a try. Mr. Hansmeyer is going to start setting it up. If anyone else gives it a try, let me know how it works for you.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


With Christmas coming, there might be a new printer in your future. I just received a link to an article with great advice for choosing that new printer. More printers than ever are Mac-friendly, but buying still requires a little homework. MacWorld gives you a cheat sheet:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Semester Tests

Remember quarter assignments end on the 19th of December. DO not date any assignments you want to count as quarter grades after 12/19/2012.

In Gradebook make an assignment for Semester Test 1 (or any unique name so it is not the same in Semester 2). As long as you date the semester test 12/20/12 or 12/21/12, it does not matter which reporting term you are viewing. This assignment will not show up in quarter 2 ---it will only show up in the reporting terms S1 or E1 remember.

“Final” Grade Setup:
It will look like this when you click on Grade Setup:

Click on Term weights to see the 3 terms in this semester. “E1” is what the “Exam” falls under because you dated it 12/20/12 or 12/21/12.

Now you can change the weight of the terms. Your semester test assignment is the E1 term.

*Click “Save” and go to your next class and set up the “Final” Grade Setup.

Repeat from * for each class!

Merry Christmas!!

*********Thank you Betty Bower for helping me put this together! **********

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

PageKeeper for Teachers

PageKeeper allows teachers to quickly and easily create weblinks to share with their classrooms.